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Be clean or contribute to the transition? csr and the challenge of sustainability

An R&D programme conducted in partnership with Paris-Saclay University and ESSEC Business School.


In December 2019, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal, which aims to ‘transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient, and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use.’


To provide answers to the following questions:
  • What is, and perhaps should be, the Contribution of Companies to the Ecological Transition (CCET) be in order to bring about sustainable economies?
  • How can we help companies develop CETE strategies?
  • How can we help players in the financial sector understand corporate social performance?


Based on the structure of any transition theory, we have shown that this question can be divided into two parts:

  • What impact do businesses have on the structure of the economy?

  • What impact do companies have on society’s sense of responsibility for sustainability?

Our research contributes to the discourse and practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by exploring these two questions. This work covers conceptual aspects (allocation of social responsibilities), the content of CCET strategies, operational aspects, as well as an in-depth examination of the relevance of the proposed framework.


Companies in all sectors.


Franck Amalric (Ph.D. Researcher - Consultant)

Franck Amalric (Ph.D. Researcher — Consultant)

Franck holds a PhD in Economics from Harvard University, after graduating from Ecole Polytechnique (X) and ENSAE. His thesis was on the political economy of sustainable development. He has directed the Society for International Development, an international NGO, developed the CSR strategy of UBS AG, and co-founded the Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) at the University of Zurich.
He is the author of 35 academic publications on sustainable development and CSR.

  • Amalric, Franck (2021). “Entreprises et durabilité : Être propre ou contribuer à la transformation? “ Square
Hugo Marin (Ph.D. Researcher - Consultant)

Hugo Marin (Ph.D. Researcher — Consultant)

Hugo has a PhD in Finance from the University of Paris Dauphine — PSL. His thesis focused on corporate finance, in particular corporate governance and behavioural finance.
Hugo is working on research questions relating to the financial impact of climate risks on banking institutions. He is also interested in the levers available to players in the financial sector to enable them to act in favour of the ecological transition.

  • Gresse, C., & Marin, H. (2022). Geographical Proximity and Enhanced Attention in P2B Crowdlending Strategies. Université Paris-Dauphine Research Paper, (3864118).
  • Gresse, C., & Marin, H. (2023). Learning by Doing in Crowdlending Auctions. Working Paper.
  • Marin, H. (2023). Staggered Boards and Firm Value After the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Working Paper.
Romain Schweizer (Ph.D. Researcher - Consultant)

Romain Schweizer (Ph.D. Researcher — Consultant)

Romain has a PhD in Economics from the University of Paris Dauphine — PSL. His thesis focused on the political economy of transition and the greening of finance. Before joining the Square Research Center, he worked for France Stratégie, writing reports on climate and water resources.
He is interested in transition via 2 axes in particular: the geopolitics of transition and climate change and the availability of water resources and strategic raw materials. 

  • Scenario To Deal With Transition Risk From an Investment Bank Perspective (2021), Working Paper, Mines ParisTech
  • Les enjeux de modélisation pour évaluer l’impact macroéconomique de la transition climatique (2022). Document de travail, France Stratégie
  • Inflation (2023), Rapport thématique de la mission J. Pisani-Ferry, France Stratégie
  • Marché du capital (2023), Rapport thématique de la mission J. Pisani-Ferry, France Stratégie
  • Compétitivité(2023),Rapport thématique de la mission J. Pisani-Ferry, France Stratégie
  • Quels usages de l’eau dans un futur marqué par une réduction des ressources en eau douce ? (A paraître), Note d’analyse, France Stratégie


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